A Travellerspoint blog

Seychelles: Victoria and the Botanical gardens

This is a historic journal, from our trip to Kenya and Seychelles in 1986, taken from notes I wrote at the time. Apologies for the poor quality photographs.

View Kenya and Seychelles 1986 on Grete Howard's travel map.

Thursday 20th November 1986

We wake up to torrential rain this morning, which continues for several hours. I have not seen a downpour like it: huge drops splat on the ground, the rain feels like a massage on my shoulders. And the noise! The whole thing is almost frightening. We go for a short walk up the lane behind the hotel, but soon give in and retire to the hotel lounge with some board games.

After lunch, the rain has stopped so we take the local bus to Victoria, the capital of the Seychelles, where we wander around for a while. I have to admit there is not much to see in the town, although the clock tower is quite pretty I guess.


Botanical Gardens
I had been looking forward to seeing some exotic trees and flowers this afternoon, but after a couple of minutes walk, the heavens open again and all I see is rain.



After a short walk in the grounds, we wimp out and catch the bus back to the hotel for dinner and a few drinks.

The rain continues for the rest of the day.

The US Marines have left the island, and the USSR navy is here today. The two are not permitted to land here at the same time apparently.

What a difference! The Russians are polite, sober (or maybe they can just hold their liquor better), immaculate, well behaved and a pleasure to have around. We chat with one marine who speaks a smattering of English, and they buy us drinks for the rest of the evening.

Posted by Grete Howard 07:15 Archived in Seychelles

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